We provide a pipeline to other organizations for various STEM initiatives ranging from Florida Tech to Black Pilots of America!
Visits to local industry facilities and access to aviation events are scheduled periodically for the program's participants, both past and present.
Participants are invited to practice on our flight simulator as well as Part 107 DRONE Instruction through local partners!
Check out our page that illustrates the necessary steps to BECOMING A STUDENT PILOT!
Seat-mounted touchscreen control system with yoke/stick options for flight controls and vernier/lever options for power settings (dash mount & side mount).
The system is FAA *APPROVED* as a Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD) per the guidance of AC 61-136B with a current Letter of Authorization (LOA).
This FlyThisSim (FTS) platform generates various instrument panels, currently powered by X-Plane 11.
The combined system enables an array of programmable buttons, knobs, switches and levers for flight deck operations..
Approval Guidance: AC 61-136B
Instrument w/o Instructor: 61.51(g)(5)
(Note "IMC to Minimums")
We use X-Plane, a flight simulation engine series developed and published by Laminar Research. Students are encouraged to utilize the simulator to better understand flight maneuvers, instrumentation and procedures.
Control system with joystick, throttle and rudder pedals. The system has an array of programmable buttons, knobs, switches and levers for flight deck operations.
Copyright © 2020-2025 The 99th Squadron - All Rights Reserved.
1720 Malabar Road #480, Malabar, Florida 32950